I am sorry I have not blogged for ages, life got in the way, My mojo disappeared I had teachers gifts to make and saw this on two peas http://twopeasinabucket.kaboose.com/pg.asp?cmd=display&layout_id=1151525
I really loved it but couldn't really be bothered making anything covering tins and so on, until i went into a shop and saw these boxes for 99p bought three and made the teachers gifts quickly as I was not in the mood to scrap, but the teachers were over the moon with them and I felt guilty I didn't put more of an effort into them!

Just read your comment on the DC forum so came by for a nosey.
The gift box is excellent and as a teacher I an say I would be thrilled to receive a gift that so much thought, time and energy had gone in to. I'm sure your child's teacher was thrilled!
Well done
Sharon (aka craty pants on DC forum)
oops!! I meant crafty pants - a teacher who can't spell!!! LOL
lol at Sharon above!
Great boxes, love all the little pressies inside too tied with ribbon, very pretty.
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